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Ukulele Social Ukulele Bedford
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profile image of Ukulele Bedford
Ukulele Bedford
profile image of Ukulele Bedford
 Ukulele Bedford

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profile image of Ukulele Bedford
Ukulele Bedford

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Ukulele Bedford - Bedord, Bedfordshire

cover image of Ukulele Bedford

We are a community ukulele group based (oddly enough!) around the Bedford area. On occasion, we 'play out' for charity events. We are always delighted to see new members - so come along one evening and give it a try!

What do we play?
The short answer to that is "Anything the members of the group want to!". From 1930's tin-pan alley to jazz standards. From 60's novelty pop to 90's rock to last year's hits. Admittedly, when we try them we find that some things work better than others on massed ukuleles - but just trying to play the seemingly unsuitable can be great fun. And sometimes surprisingly successful.
There are no news items posted at present

Day:Every Wednesday
Location: The Kings Arms, 24 St Mary's St, Bedford MK42 0AS

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