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Ukulele Social Local Ukulele Groups East Sussex
Ukulele Social

The home for ukulele enthusiasts.

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Ukulele Groups
If you run a ukulele group, you can create your own group "mini-site" on Ukulele Social.

Sign up new members, add images, news items, events and songsheets.

To create your group page, first create a personal account.
Bands & Artists

Keep in touch with your fans locally and around the country.

Post news items, events, images and videos. Your followers will be informed whenever you post something new.

Ukulele Groups in East Sussex

We have found 5 ukulele groups in East Sussex.

BAD ukes: Brighton After Dark Ukulele Session   (Brighton)
Lewes Ukulele Group   (Lewes)
Rye Ukulele Experiment   (Rye)
Cool Hand Ukes   (Lewes)
Battle U3A Ukulele Group (BUGs)   ()
If you have a Ukulele Group located in East Sussex and you think it should be listed here you can create a page for it and upload the details. The process is very simple.

To find out how, see our Help pages here.

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