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Ukulele Social Tools
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Ukulele Social

The home for ukulele enthusiasts.

Find and join local groups, follow your favourite bands and artists and see what's happening in the ukulele world around you.

Ukulele Groups
If you run a ukulele group, you can create your own group "mini-site" on Ukulele Social.

Sign up new members, add images, news items, events and songsheets.

To create your group page, first create a personal account.
Bands & Artists

Keep in touch with your fans locally and around the country.

Post news items, events, images and videos. Your followers will be informed whenever you post something new.

Ukulele Tools

A set of tools to help you along with your ukulele playing.

image of chord chart page Chord Chart
- chord diagrams for 120 of the most commonly used chords in ukulele songs in a PDF file ready to print out.

download the chord chart
image of tuner page Ukulele Tuner
- tune your ukulele to the notes played in this page.

go tune your uke
image of metronome page Metronome
- make sure that you are playing in time by playing along with the metronome.

try the metronome
image of songsheet generator page Songsheet Generator
- turn your lyrics into PDF songsheets complete with chords and chord diagrams.

write a songsheet

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Music Stands
Ukulele Tuners
Ukulele Gig Bags
Ukulele Straps
Ukulele Books